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( 2021

Interaktivna instalacija

200 x 50 x 50 cm + stolica dimenzija 90 x 50 x 50 cm

Arduino, elektromotori, stalak za zvučnike, 3d dizajnirane I 3d printane komponente, 2 plastične vrečice, kompjuterski mikrofon, drvena stolica, subwoofer, automobilsko audio pojačalo )


Interaktivna instalacija koja predstavlja intervju za posao. Spoj je strahova iz 2020. Godine.

Sastoji se od skulpture – instalacije sastavljene od plastičnih vodovodnih cijevi, metalnog držača, 3d dizajniranih i 3d printanih dijelova, Arduino mikrokontrolera, elktromotora, malog kompjuterskog mikrofona i dvije plastične vrečice. Nasuprot instalaciji na 1.5 metra udaljenosti nalazi se drvena stolica na koju je sa donje strane sjedišta montiran subwoofer zvučnik spojen na predpojačalo, pojačalo te mikrofon koji se nalazi na instalaciji.

Elektromotori i Arduino unutar instalacije kontroliraju upuhivanje i i ispuhivanje zraka iz plastičnih dučanskih vrečica te time simuliraju disanje. Unutar večica na dnu nalaze se kovanice. Konstrukcija izgledom asocira na dišni sustav čovjeka. Zrak koji se „izdiše“ izlazi kroz vodovodne cijevi te se na kraju ipuhuje usmjeren na stolicu i lice osobe koja na njoj sjedi.

Na „ispušnom otvoru“ instalacije smješten je mali kompjuterski mikrofon koji zbog svoje pozicije hvata strujanje zraka te ga pretvara u snažne vibracije iz subwoofera ispod stolice.

Stolica vibrira i trese se pri svakom „udisaju i izdisaju“ simulirajući potres.

Svaki element instalacije: disanje vrećica sa sitnišem, dah na licu posjetitelja, udaljenost aparature od sjedioca, vibracije stolice nastale strujanjem zaraka- „disanjem“ imaju direktnu konceptualnu poveznicu sa situacijom u kojoj se nalazimo lokalno i globalno.

Strah od dodira, strah od bliskosti, dah kojim se virus prenosi te pluća koji su organ koji najviše stradava prilikom infekcije. Gubitak posla i stabilnosti uslijed okolnosti gdje firme ne mogu nastaviti poslovanje, smanjena mobilnost i otkazani projekti. Ekonomska neizvjesnost, prekarnost  i kupovanje zaliha hrane. Potres koji je usred cijele situacije pogodio Zagreb a tako i moje radno mjesto, moj atelje.

Naziv rada dolazi iz relacije sa Zoom sastankom, koji je u proteklu godinu postao glavni oblik poslovne i privatne komunikacije putem interneta te zbog zvuka kojeg stvaraju elektromotori svojim radom.




( 2021

Interactive installation

200 x 50 x 50 cm + chair dimensions 90 x 50 x 50 cm

Arduino, electric motors, speaker stand, 3d designed and 3d printed components, 2 plastic bags, computer microphone, wooden chair, subwoofer, car audio amplifier )


An interactive installation that represents a job interview. It is a combination of fears from 2020.

The work consists of a sculpture - an installation composed of plastic water pipes, a metal holder, 3d designed and 3d printed parts, an Arduino microcontroller, an electric motor, a small computer microphone and two plastic bags. Opposite the installation at a distance of 1.5 meters there is a wooden chair on which the subwoofer speaker is mounted on the underside of the seat connected to the preamplifier, amplifier and then to the microphone located on the installation.

The electric motors and Arduino within the installation control the inflow and outflow of air from the plastic shopping bags and simulate breathing. Inside the plastic bags at the bottom are coins, small change. The construction seems to be reminiscent of the human respiratory system. The exhaled air exits through the water pipes and is eventually blown towards the chair and the face of the person sitting on it.

At the "exhaust opening" of the installation is a small computer microphone which, due to its position, captures the air flow and converts it into strong vibrations from the subwoofer under the chair.

The chair vibrates and shakes with each "inhale and exhale" simulating an earthquake.

Each element of the installation: breathing bags with change, breath on the visitor's face, distance of the apparatus from the seat, stool vibrations caused by the flow of swabs - "breathing" have a direct conceptual connection with the situation locally and globally.

Fear of touch, fear of intimacy, breath with which the virus is transmitted and the lungs, which are the organ that suffers the most during infection. Job loss and stability due to circumstances where companies cannot continue to operate, reduced mobility and canceled projects. Economic uncertainty, precariousness and buying food stocks. The earthquake that hit Zagreb in the middle of the whole situation, and so did my workplace, my studio which forced me to think about alternative models of art practice and addaption to the current global situation.

The name of the work comes from the relationship with the Zoom meeting, which in the past year has become the main form of business and private communication via the Internet and due to the sound created by electric motors through their work.

Zoom 2 Vitar Drinkovic foto.JPG
Zoom 1 Vitar Drinkovic foto.JPG
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