( 2023
instalacija u javnom prostoru )
"Protokol" je instalacija u javnom prostoru ostvarena u AR tehnologiji (augmented reality/proširena stvarnost). Uputstva o aktiviranju rada s osobnim mobilnim uređajima postavljena su na podu središta gradskog parka u Korčuli ispisana su na hrvatskom, engleskom, ruskom i kineskom. Odabir jezika dvojako je uvjetovan: namijenjeni su domaćim i međunarodnim turistima koji su došli u Korčulu na odmor, a ujedno su jezici nacija koje imaju najveći broj nuklearnog oružja.
Aktivacijom AR tehnologije javni gradski prostor pretvara se u virtualnu lansirnu rampu velike rakete nepoznatog podrijetla i sadržaja sa začudnim mehaničkim kretnjama. Dokolica ljetnog odmora dovedena je u izravni odnos s osjećajem neizvjesnosti upotrebe nuklearnog oružja i neprestanih brojnih ratova u svijetu. Izložba je otvorena 6. 8., obilježavajući obljetnicu primjene atomske bombe u Hiroshimi.
Izložba realizirana na poziv kustosa Darka Fritza i u suradnji sa organizacijom siva zona) (gray area
Tehnički suradnik u realizaciji AR rada: Vedran Gligo (Format C)
Program je financiran od strane Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske
( 2023
installation in public space )
"Protocol" is an installation in a public space realized in AR technology (augmented reality). Instructions on activating work with personal mobile devices are placed on the floor of the city park centre in Korčula and are written in Croatian, English, Russian and Chinese. The choice of languages is conditioned in two ways: they are intended for domestic and international tourists who came to Korčula on vacation, and they are also the languages of the nations that have the largest number of nuclear weapons. By activating AR technology, the public city space is transformed into a virtual launch pad of a large rocket of unknown origin and content with strange mechanical movements. The leisure of the summer vacation was brought into direct relationship with the feeling of uncertainty of the use of nuclear weapons and the constant numerous wars in the world. The exhibition was opened on August 6, commemorating the anniversary of the use of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
The exhibition was realized at the invitation of curator Darko Fritz and in cooperation with the organization siva zona) (gray area
Technical associate in the realization of AR work: Vedran Gligo (Format C)
The program is financed by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia